The Weight Loss Ingredient That Is Scientific, Not Magic

Have you ever heard of taking an amino acid for weight loss?

Everyone wants a magic pill for losing weight.

My friend at a local organic store had a phone call recently from a man asking if they had a pill for losing weight. She told me that she wanted to say, "It's called eating less and exercising more."

When people hear of a new fruit extract on tv that is the magic pill for weight loss, the orders flood into the call centers.

The promise of killing your appetite by sprinkling a powder on your food brings about another blockbuster seller.

Yet people continue to get fatter and unhealthier.

Yes, Americans want to lose weight... BUT they want it to be easy. No sacrifice involved. No change of their eating habits or lifestyle.

There is something wrong with this picture.

I have good news for you about a weight loss ingredient that is more scientific than magic. Hallelujah!

A powerful nutrient that helps build muscle has been pinpointed by scientists.

Leucine is an essential amino acid that your body is not able to produce on its own.

Leucine has been determined to help maintain lean muscle mass.

Most of you are aware that pound for pound, muscle burns more calories than fat - and that is true even in your sleep.

Most low calorie diets result in losing precious muscle mass, making it easy to regain the weight once you stop dieting.

You want to hold onto your muscle while you burn fat by including leucine-rich foods in your diet, such as legumes, egg whites, nuts, seeds, asparagus, fish, and chicken.

Not only is leucine important to be eating, but you must also be eating it in a perfect proportion for enhancing the fat burning ability of this amino acid.

In a 12 week preliminary clinical study on weight loss products with a perfect leucine blend, all the study participants lost almost all their weight loss from fat while retaining nearly all of their lean muscle. This was a great proof of the power of leucine. (Remember - scientific, not magic!)

Also, the study participants lost an average of four inches around their waists and almost 3 inches from their hips - which is another indication of fat loss.

So if you are looking for that magic ingredient to turn around your size, consider scientific instead of magic.

The amino acid, leucine, is your answer for optimal weight loss.

Amy Hagerup is a Nutrition and Weight Loss Specialist. Her passion is to help you reach an optimal weight and enjoy vibrant health. Check out more helpful information at her weight loss blog

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