African Mango - What's the Hype About?

African Mango has been the latest craze in weight loss diets. Being endorsed by several celebrities and well-known doctors it begins to raise questions on whether this product is the real deal or just a hoax.

Let's touch down on the basics, what is it? Irvingia Gabonensis is the fancy scientific name for the African mango. The exotic tasty fruit is commonly eaten in West Africa. The magic appears to lie in the extract of the mango seed and not in its bright yellow pulp.

Some people wonder though, Is African mango a scam? African mango, does it work? People want answers.

Well a double-blind randomized controlled trial of 40 obese individuals would state otherwise. In fact, the results were quite incredible for those participants taking it's seed extract capsules. In the study, these patients were given 3 capsules, 3 times daily, 30 minutes before meals with a glass of warm water.

The patients at the end of the study saw reduced body weight, a smaller waist and hip size. It also included improvement in blood pressure, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.

So then... Is African mango a scam?

No, but whenever a brand new concept in weight loss comes about, there are always rumors and half-truths that circulate. The effects on slimming down really work, but not every capsule is the same. The problem lies in some capsules which don't follow the standards needed to see effects, and that's how it gets it's bad name. One of the few, yet affordable capsules which have the highest of standards is African Mango Plus (AMP). AMP is the real deal for dieters and fitness enthusiasts! Plus, it's affordable for everyone.

Africanmangoplus is proud of their supplements because their capsules contain the purest extract from the Dikka Seed in the mango fruit. By taking the precious seed in supplement form, one can absorb the enzymes directly into the system. The other excellent news is the holistic quality of this brand. These are all-natural herbal supplements.

When one begins taking Africanmangoplus he or she will notice a wonderful boost of energy. According to the directions, the minimum recommended dosage for the extract is 250 mg. AMP has put that exact amount inside each capsule. The best way to take AMP is 30 minutes before each meal.

It's great knowing there is a pill out there to get back into super shape and without artificial means. The supplement is an effective fat-burning machine that helps make the body beautiful, both inside and outside.

So for those who aren't sure, African mango does it work?

Absolutely! Click Here to get more information and get back to a slimmer, healthier physique the natural way.

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