Medical reports state that when a new protein present in GMO foods enters the human body, it stimulates an immune response. The system produces antibodies to react, resulting in allergy. GMO foods are also regarded to be low in nutrients, compared to the regular crops.
GMO is a term meaning genetically modified organism products, as they consist classes: plantae, animalia and bacterium. As the United States Government and the FDA do not mandate anything Genetically Modified to be identified on ingredient lists, these products are in widespread use and distribution throughout the country.
Some states and municipalities have their own regulations for such products. North Dakota and Montana have filed bans on GE wheat, while Maryland has banned GE (genetically engineered) fish. The Municipalities of Burlington and Vermont have announced a moratorium on GE food); Boulder, Colorado has placed a ban on GE crops and the City and County of San Francisco has urged the federal government to ban GE food.
However, it is ultimately the consumers' decision whether to use GMO products or reject. Those opposing GMO products talk about a novel gene into these organisms, which can human genealogy once consumed by humans.
In fact, they talk about several effects associated with GMO foods. The allergens decrease human nutrition and anti-biotic resistance, and increase human toxicities. As per UN reports, allergies affect approximate 8% of kids and 5% of elderly people living in the USA. Medical reports state that when a new protein enters the human body, it stimulates an immune response. The system produces antibodies to react, resulting in allergy.
GMO foods are also regarded to be low in nutrients. Some studies have shown that genetically modified soybean tends to produce low levels phytoestrogen components. It may become the cause of heart diseases. Moreover, the bacteria present in develop resistance to antibiotics with time. High profile genes made in the process are resistant to natural mutation.
Percentage of genetically modified crops in the US is Soy (85%), Cottonseed (76%), Canola (75%), Corn (40%), Hawaiian papaya (more than 50%), Zucchini and Yellow Squash (small amount) and Quest brand tobacco (100%).
Very little testing has been done on the health effects of GMO products consumed by humans. Animals usually refuse to eat Genetically Modified feed. However, when being force-fed, they are found to develop abnormalities, lesions and disease. Several countries have banned the import, sale, use and planting of GMO crops due to lack of testing and long term study of human health and environmental effects.
Companies in the US tend to hide GMOs in their products. Larger companies have a vested interest in GMO seeds as well as the herbicides and pesticides. GMO soy, corn and sugar beets are used to make sweeteners and fats, used in snacks and ready-made food. Objective of such companies is to keep profits high, while not disclosing all the ingredients in the products. As the law doesn't force them to do that, it is all their own decision. What is more, some of them purposely use misleading language such as 'natural' or 'all natural' to attract the buyers who are conscious about their health.
What you need to do is to find a store where you can find GMO low products. Take care of buying products of reputed manufacturers before the expiry date. That is important even when you are buying regular food products.
Author of this article is associated with Acton Stores, known for providing vitamins, grocery, drinks, bodycare and natural home products of the highest quality.
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