How to Lose Belly Fat Safely

Copyright (c) 2013 M Noor

Belly fat is something that all of us have even those of us who have rock hard abs. the difference comes in the quantity of belly fat you have and the fact that belly fat will impact on your health negatively most of the time. Most of us store fat in two ways; one of the ways is the one that is very evident, one that you can see. This fat is stored just under the skin in the thighs, buttocks, hips and abdomen. This kind of fat is known as subcutaneous fat. The other kind of fat storage is known as visceral fat that is mostly around the vital organs and this is the most problematic even in people who consider themselves thinner. Belly fat may be this kind of fat and there are a number of things that a person can do to get rid of belly fat. One of the most important things that you need to do when tying to lose belly fat is to figure out your metabolism type and then start to tailor your work out for that metabolism type.

For example if you are a type 1 you will feel hungry after eating and if you are a type 2 if you feel tired after having a heavy meal. The difference between these two types is that type 1 will burn fat faster than type 2 making it easier for type 1 to lose weight although not by much. After you have established your metabolism type, you need to go on a diet that will be specific for that particular metabolism type since different metabolism types will require different diets in order for them to lose weight effectively.

You also need to do some form of exercise in order to lose belly fat effectively. This is because exercise will help you burn fat and boost your metabolism. But exercise must be used in combination with a good diet that will help you burn fat faster and that is also designed for your metabolism type. Having a goal of just how much inches you want to lose will also help you with your quest and then you will need to have a consistent plan of how you are going to achieve this goal and then stick to it until such a time as you have reached your goal and then set another one.

There are a number of simple exercises that you can be engaged in that will help you with your belly loss. Walking can be an easy way to burn fat and that you can start right away. If you have done walking and jogging and are ready to move on to harder exercises, pull ups and push ups are a very effective way to get a flat stomach and build muscle at the same time. But the most effective form of exercise when trying to get a flat stomach is sit ups when they are done correctly.

When you've committed yourself to lose weight, high chances are that you would first want to deal with your disgusting belly fat. Abdomen fat is probably the most noticeable fat stores in your body, and it is usually the most visible feature of overweight people.

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