Lower in Saturated Fats
Nutritionists and doctors all over the world will concur that any diet high in saturated fats is unhealthy and damaging to your health and overall well-being. There is no doubt that a diet high in saturated fats can lead to heart disease, cancer and many other health concerns and problems.
A Mediterranean diet because of its very low amount of saturated fats is noteworthy. Typically, a person who adheres to a Mediterranean diet will limit their intake of saturated fats to less than ten percent of total calories consumed. This is well below that of an average person not following a Mediterranean diet meal plan
Plenty of Vegetables and Fresh Fruits
One of the key factors that make this diet so effective and beneficial is the amount of vegetables and fresh fruit included in the diet. This type of eating plan utilizes more vegetables and fresh fruit than any type of diet plan or program available today.
Fresh fruit and fresh vegetables are significantly beneficial to your well-being and good health. People following a Mediterranean diet meal plan who consume ample amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables daily have a significantly lower risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.
High in Fiber and Whole Grains
A Mediterranean diet meal plan because of its high amounts of grains and nuts is also high in dietary fiber which aids in lowering certain cancer risks. Diets that are high in fiber have been proven to dramatically lower the risk of colorectal and colon cancer.
Ample Anti-Oxidants
High anti-oxidant content allows a diet to significantly work at keeping your whole body in great condition. A high anti-oxidant diet will ensure a healthier and longer.
Less Red Meat
There is very little red meat in a Mediterranean diet which helps reduce the presence of "bad cholesterol". The type of eating plan offered by this diet lowers the risks associated with hypertension, stroke and cardiovascular disease.
Focus on Lean Meats
Moderate portions of lean meats are included in a Mediterranean diet.. The inclusion of reasonable portions of fish, seafood and lean meat like chicken and lamb provide healthy sources of energy and protein.
Minimal Dairy
A typical Mediterranean style diet contains a very limited amount of dairy products. Any dairy products included are either low or non-fat. The absence of whole fat dairy products makes it easier to lower cholesterol intake and maintain a healthy weight.
Prevents Disease
The most important benefit of a Mediterranean diet meal plan is that it appears to lower the risk and occurrences of many diseases including:
- Cardiovascular and heart disease
- Cancer
- Diabetes
- Hypertension
Evidence from research shows that people from the Mediterranean regions live longer and healthier lives.
A Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan Is A Convenient Diet Program
The facts are convincing. Following a Mediterranean type diet is not only healthy, it is simple easy and convenient. This is not a difficult diet program. There is no need to purchase any type of specialty products, as all foods that you will be using are easy to find and readily available.
Visit the Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan website to learn more about this incredibly natural way to lose weight and stay healthy.
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