By Steve Z
A kidney stone or a renal stone consists mostly of insoluble calcium oxalate that builds up over time. It can be a very painful condition and some people are more prone to having them than others, which can be due to several factors. Men are more prone to them than women and women that do develop stones typically occur after age 50. White people are more susceptible to them than any other race. Typically, when someone has had stones, the best way to prevent future formations is by kidney stones treatment via the diet.
As a renal stone begins to make its way out of the body, the symptoms include sharp pain in the abdomen and groin area. Many people never know they have a renal stone since it is so tiny it easily makes its way out of the body. The larger stones are what causes the painful symptoms since the stone cannot easily be pass out of the body. If there is pain, as the body attempts to flush the stone out, there can be pink colored urine due to blood.
How diet can help with kidney stones
There are several renal stones diet that can help cut down on the chances of developing stones. Many of these diets are the same as what people will be on as they go through the various kidney failure stages. However, the kidney disease stages and renal stones do not necessarily have any correlation, but the diet itself can be very similar.
Foods to include in the diet
One similarity in any renal stones diet is that the sufferer must drink lots of water. The kidneys need the water to help flush out any current stones and prevent future stone formation. Next, the diet should consist of fresh fruits and vegetables and these are not just good for the kidneys but your entire body. Deep green vegetables are the healthiest. Eating foods such as watermelon, lemons, and cranberries help to detoxify the body.
Foods to avoid in the diet
Just as certain foods help the kidneys not form stones, other types of foods can add to the likelihood of development. Avoiding all processed foods and high fat foods that come by way of fast foods is helpful as these are difficult for the body to digest. High calcium amounts such as those found in dairy should also be eaten in minimal quantities.
Other foods to avoid that contain oxalate include:
• Spinach
• Beets
• Soybean crackers
• Okra
• Peanuts
• Sweet potatoes
• Chocolate
• Wheat germ
Final thoughts
If you have suffered from a painful renal stone, your best solution is to take on the same type of diet as someone following a chronic kidney disease diet since the contents are similar. The idea is to feed the body foods low in calcium oxalate and healthier food choices so that the body doesn't have to work as hard digesting, which lessens the chances of stone formation.
Find about more about natural kidney stones treatment and when it is required to go for a kidney stone surgery!!
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