Good Vs. Bad Fats - The 101 and What You Need To Know


Many people believe that there is only one type of fat, and that they are unhealthy for you and will make you gain weight. This is not exactly true as our body needs these to survive. Some fats can have beneficial health benefits while some of the bad ones will definitely have a negative impact on your health if you consume too much.

The bad fats are shown to increase LDL cholesterol as well as reduce the good cholesterol or HDL. These are what contribute to heart disease, stroke, and other detrimental effects on the body. The two most common types of bad fats are categorized as trans fats and saturated fats. Trans are artificially produced in which they convert different types of liquid oils to solids. Because of how detrimental these are, many companies have chosen to take these out of their products and replace them with slightly better types such as unsaturated.

Saturated fats basically are any type that can stay as a solid under normal room temperature. This can include products like butter, but also naturally occur in many types of food such as meats.

I will be doing another article focusing on the good fats, how much of these that you should be using, and excellent sources of where to get these fats from. A few of the good types of fats include mono unsaturated fats (which are fats that stay liquid at room temperature) as well as polyunsaturated fats (also are liquids at room temperature).

These types of fats are definitely needed for the body as they been shown to improve cholesterol levels, reduce heart disease and stroke, reduce the risk of having diabetes, and also help care for a healthy immune system and help stimulate cell development. Good sources of good fats include extra virgin olive oils as well as fish oils.

When selecting a cooking oil, make sure it is especially an unsaturated fat. Many types of cooking oils vary and the ratio between mono unsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. Try your best to focus on mono unsaturated fats as studies have shown that these seem to be more stable and can aid with your good cholesterol levels a little more effectively then polyunsaturated fats. The two types of oil that have high levels of mono unsaturated fats are olive oil and canola oil. I personally recommend that you get extra-virgin olive oil.

When looking at the labels of food products in your local butcher shop, make sure you don't just look at the total fat of an item. Make sure it has as smallest amount of trans and saturated fats as possible. Don't be afraid of if it has the good types of fats in it.

If you're planning to be building muscle, one of the supplements you should be taking is fish oil. This oil contains the fats required to assist your muscle grow after a workout as well as rebuild the tissue from strenuous activity. You can get these type of supplements either in liquid form or in a capsule.

Please check out my blog for more health and fitness articles.

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