Is Slimming Down in Your Future?

It took me many years to realize that to slim down and stay that way was actually easier than I thought. I kept searching, as so many of us do, for that 'quick fix'; that 'Lose Two Sizes in 7 Days', that 'Lose 10 pounds in One Week' diet that may help for a few days, but certainly won't last -- and its usually a pretty painful diet to follow too!

We, as a society, need to quit those harmful diets and adopt a more holistic, mind-body approach to weight loss. Eating and exercise (not necessarily the painful type) needs to become part of your lifestyle -- not a 'here today, gone tomorrow' program. You, as an individual, need to feel good about what you are doing. You need to feel comfortable with it. You need to feel contented and satisfied.

Over the course of about 4 years and being reintroduced to a more natural lifestyle again, it all came together and clicked for me. It was not just one thing, but putting my focus on a combination of a few different natural steps.

Not all these steps are necessary for everyone - but they worked for me for a number of reasons. Basically, it was easy to do. Planning my meals in advance made grocery shopping easy and less expensive, as well. I felt contented because I was eating 'real' food and my body was feeling satisfied. And, I seemed to have more energy - naturally.

Making weight loss and slimming a natural part of your life is what's important; something you can and will stick too. It's not about giving up the foods you love or joining a gym, it's all about balance in 'very natural steps'.

In general, I used some all-natural, organic slimming products and programs. I then added a nutritional menu mostly organic, and approximately 8 glasses of water a day. Then I added some exercise. Basically, that was it.

Following are 11 steps I used in my slimming regimen:

Organic foods (mostly)Ate every 2 ½ - 3 hoursNo Fast FoodAte what I wanted - not a 'diet'; ate only one servingEnjoyed lots of water (added lemon or essential lemon oil); dropped the diet sodaExchanged dairy milk for Almond milkExchanged wheat bread for gluten-free breadExercised at least 4 times per weekCarried water and a 'good snack' in my car - in case the 'hungrys' appearedIncreased fiber and proteinAHS Slimming Products (soaks, patches and internal formulas and slimming programs)

A healthy diet, regular exercise, eliminating as many chemicals as possible and embracing natural and organic, are the only things that will work over the long haul. If you want a quick fix that won't last, then use the fad diets, pills, drugs, and live on 'special' drinks.

If you want to change your life in a healthy and lasting way, change your daily habits and your way of relating to your body. As I said, it really is easy. The hardest part of all is making the choice and decision.

Diann Clark is co-founder of Ancient Herbal Secrets, an all-natural product company. Ancient Herbal Secrets carries formulas for Health, Beauty and Longevity which help to balance and harmonize your body.

These secret (Bi Bong) formulas have been recently introduced to the West. They have benefited thousands of people around the world. Our Slimming and Weight Loss programs work from inside out detoxifying your organs to enhance their functions. Your circulation is improved along with an increased metabolism. Fat deposits are broken down and released from your body.

Ancient Herbal Secrets

Please visit the above link to find out more about these amazing products.

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