5 Ways to Lose Your Holiday Belly

1. Forget about it

First of all, forget about all the damage you did over the holidays, if you keep dwelling on all the chocolates, biscuits, puddings and cakes you had over the Christmas and holiday period you'll only depress yourself even further. Any mishaps or times of over indulgence you had, forget them, move on and focus on the present. Shift your focus from the negaitive to the positive and you'll be on your way to losing a stone. From a personal point of view, I went a bit too mad myself (yes I'm human after all) and had well over my fair share of junk. I'm not going to dwell on them though because I know that when you forget it and move on, you'll soon find your groove again.

2. Slow and steady

How much damage did you do over the Christmas? The answer doesn't matter in actual fact, what matter's is how you deal with reversing the damage. The best way to deal with it is in nice manageable chunks. The phrase 'slow and steady wins the race' has stood the test of time for a reason - it works. Focus on getting the present right. Just as you don't want to worry about yesterday, you also want to avoid worrying about tomorrow. Focus on today, and getting that right. Will Smith says (in terms of achievement) you should lay a brick each day and soon you'll have a wall (your goal). Mr. Smith knows his success from his failure so we can all learn from his philosophy, whatever damage you've done over the holidays can be reversed when you focus on the 'daily bricks' of your goal rather than the goal itself. When you want to lose a stone adopting the 'slow and steady' mentality will win out in the end.

3. Throw that crap out

Whatever leftovers you have from the holidays, be it Christmas cake, biscuits, them horrible sweets that are always left in the boxes until last (why don't they just scrap them altogether) or whatever other junk you might have since the holidays - throw it out. If it's not in your house you can't eat it. Don't worry about those kids starving in Africa, whether or not you have junk food in your house is not going to help them in the slightest, if you are worried about them, throw out the junk food then make a donation. Either way, if the crap isn't in your house then you can't eat it. When you are having your 'cheat days' only buy your cheaty foods on that day and then whatever is left over the next day, throw that crap out too.

4. Stock up on good stuff

Now that you've thrown all the junk out, you'll have loads of room for some good stuff. Stock up on plenty of lean proteins (eggs, fish, meat, poultry etc.), veggies, fruit, nuts, and some complex carbs like brown rice, quinoa (get a big pile of that), sweet potatoes and wholegrain breads. Build your meals from them 6 days a week then on the 7th day indulge a little. This will have a dramatic impact on your ability to lose a stone in 2013.

5. Get moving

Exercise certainly plays its part in helping you lose that holiday belly, just make sure you're exercising in a way you enjoy. If you enjoy it, you'll want to do more of it and you'll stick to it longer. If it's swimming for you - go swimming, if you're like me and prefer resistance and weight training do that. Simples - do what you love doing. If you hate exercise - consider enlisting the help of someone who'll guide you and 'kick' you when you need it.

It's a lot more than just eat less, move more. Start by forgetting about any mishaps you made, focus on getting today right, adopt an 'out of sight, out of mind' mentality, stock up on the right foods, and do what you love. Do these and you'll begin to see the progress towards losing a stone. You'll start to see the jingle jelly in your belly disappear quicker than it takes me to eat a box of Ferrero Roche (OK, maybe not that quick).

Thanks for reading. These were just some initial steps. For a complete plan visit my website where I can you my complete How To Lose A Stone system.

Thanks again,

John "Hater of Stones" Mulry

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