4 Simple Tips On How To Lose Weight

Hey there, I hope you are well. Today I am going to show you how to lose weight. Weight loss comes down to one simple rule: Calories in versus calories out. This means if you burn more calories than you consume you will lose weight. Therefore you have to be eating a fairly low level of calories so that you can burn of more to actually lose weight.

To do this there are two main areas you need to concentrate on; these are your eating habits and exercise habits.

I haven't used the word diet as you do not need to go crazy here but you must keep a check on what you are eating. I used the words 'exercise habits' as this does not necessarily mean formal workouts, but can also mean getting as active as possible outside of the gym. So lets get stuck right into sorting out your eating habits.

How To Lose Weight - Eating Habits

The first thing you need to do is get your eating habits in order. You eat more frequently than you exercise and it is very easy to overeat. Therefore I will put some tips and guidelines below to help you.

1. Keep A Food Diary

Keeping a food diary is a great way to see what you are really eating. Be honest and record everything. Once you do this you can spot where you are going wrong and help do better the next time.

2. Eat Lean And Green

This is one of my favourite sayings. It basically means to eat as much lean meats such as chicken and turkey, while also eating lots of green vegetables. If you always eat lean and green you would be guaranteed to drop body fat fast.

3. Reduce Refined Carbohydrates

This ties in well with the previous guideline; you need to reduce the amount of refined carbs like rice, pasta, bread, cakes, buns etc. This can be hard to do for a lot of people, but it is one of the most effective ways of melting away body fat. I find replacing pasta and rice with vegetables is a great way to reduce your intake on these. There are many other tips like this you can do if you think about it, using your food diary will help spot these possible changes.

4. Find An Eating Plan That Works For You

As you are an individual with your own likes, time constraints and personal needs. You need to find what works best with you. There are many plans and systems around today that can help you eat properly, so have a look about and see what tickles your fancy.

How To Lose Weight - Exercise Habits

Once you get your eating habits sorted out, you will want to start exercising to burn of fat and shape yourself. This does not necessarily mean formal workouts in the gym all the time. There are plenty of ways to get active without going to the gym. Doing regular activities like playing sport with friends, go walking/biking with the family and other activities like this, are a great way to keep burning calories while having fun.

As well as fun activates you should also push for some formal training to really melt that fat of you. Proper workouts are great for elevating your metabolism which means you train your body to burn more calories while you rest. While also giving your body more shape and definition.

There are many fat burning workouts you will find around this website, so have a look around and see what looks good to you. If you want me to point you in the right direction you can check out this great link; Great fat burning workout

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