How To Lose Arm Fat

My mother use to wear sweaters on summer days especially when it was hot and boiling. As a child I always wondered why she never wore sleeveless shirts and upon having a conversation with her as an adult, she revealed to me that she was embarrassed to wear sleeveless shirts because she felt that her arms were big and that she had arm fat. Instead of gaining fat in her thighs, her fat was distributed towards her upper body causing her arms to gain fat, jiggle and sag as she lifted them. So the question is, can you spot reduce and lose arm fat?

In order to learn how to lose arm fat, lets have a look at what causes fat to accumulate around the arms. Putting aside any medical or technical terms as they are rather confusing, the causes of arm fat comes down to 3 main culprits:

You’re currently overweight: if you weigh more than your recommended weight and height, then it is only natural that you have fatter arms. So the more weight you gain, the more fat you accumulate around your arms. The reverse is true, once you reach your ideal weight then your arm fat will also be reduced.Your mom passed it to you: this is a matter of genetics and the tendency to accumulate arm fat is passed through your genes. So if your mother has arm fat, you may have arm fat as well. However do not let your mother’s arm genes dictate your arm size. Although arm fat may run down the family tree, you can perform arm exercises to encourage stronger leaner arms to offset any potential arm fat.You have little muscle or tone in your arms: if you never really exercised in your life and start noticing that your arms are becoming flabby, then it’s time to build some muscles in your arms. Usually your arms will appear fat or saggy due to the ageing process, when you stop doing sports and become more sedentary, your arm muscles will weaken causing the appearance of fatty arms.
So How Do You Lose Arm Fat?

The trouble spots like “arm fat” or “thigh fat” are usually a result of having a high body fat percentage. This also means that no amount of arm spot -reduction exercises is going to give you that sculpted arms if the rest of your overall body has too much fat on it.

So in order to lose arm fat, you must put aside the idea of working out one specific area of your body, like your arms. Instead, focus your attention on performing a combination of cardio and weight training exercises to help you burn calories and lose body fat. This will allow the rest of your body to benefit, also translating to fat loss in your arm as well.

The quickest way to lose arm fat is lose overall body fat and gain overall lean muscle mass. Start by giving yourself a diet and exercise makeover, consume healthier alternatives and get your body moving. Once the excess fat is gone, you can tone and sculpt the underlying muscles in your arms for a toner appearance. This is when it handy to perform arm targeted exercises to define your biceps for leaner looking arms.

While it’s not possible to remove arm fat, it’s definitely and more likely possible to lose body fat all over, and then tone the muscles in the arms to make them look at their best, this is really how you lose arm fat!

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