4 Healthy Alternatives For A Good Diet

You might think healthy foods are lacking in taste and excitement. Nutritious, healthy foods are not always boring and bland! Following are four healthy foods that are tasty, easy to shop for and are very good for you.


It may surprise you to learn that beets are one of the healthiest foods that you can add to your diet. Beets are good sources of folate and betaine, both of which help decrease homocysteine levels in your blood. Homocysteine may be harmful to your arteries and increase the risk of heart disease. When you consume beets, your odds of contracting these health problems decrease. Lab mice that consume beets have a lower incidence of cancer. Beets offer the most nutrition when eaten uncooked. Toss them on your salad after you have shredded them and soaked them in a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice.


The majority of us usually only eat cinnamon when it's wrapped up in a buttery roll and dripping with sugary icing. We should all eat this spice more often though, not only because it's tasty, but it's now thought that it can aid in the control of blood sugar and lower the chance of heart disease. Research by the USDA has shown that people who ate two grams of cinnamon per day during a six week period and who had Type Two diabetes were able to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. The methylhydroxychalcone polymers, which are the active ingredients in cinnamon, can improve how your body metabolizes sugar. Dust your oatmeal or cereal with some cinnamon, or you could even put some in your coffee.

Goji Berries

Tibetans have used this tiny berry for years for medicinal purposes. The small, raisin-sized berry has been shown to contain more antioxidants than any other kind of fruit. Studies have also demonstrated that the berries may decrease insulin production, which is a plus for people with diabetes. To easily add the berries to your diet, sprinkle them on your cold cereal, oatmeal or yogurt.


This vegetable, already popular in Asia and Europe, is fast on its way to becoming an American favorite. It contains sulforaphone which is especially beneficial as it reduces the risk of developing cancer. This is the result of sulforaphane's ability to fight free radicals and improve the production of enzymes which help prevent damage to cells. Shred this delightful product and use it as a topping for your sandwiches and burgers. Or you can shred carrots and apples along with it and make a nice side salad.

I hope these tips have been helpful for you in your weight loss efforts. If you are serious about losing weight the natural way without dangerous pills, supplements or fad diets be sure the check out the Ultimate Fat Loss Guide today at: http://ultimate-fat-loss-guide.com/

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